Frequently Asked Questions - Ofte Stillede Spørgsmål
Skal man booke et skikursus på forhånd?
Ja. Vi anbefaler at booke online via vores hjemmeside. Når du booker online får du rabat. Et kursus er reserveret så snart betalingen er udført. I højsæsonen kan det ske, at skiinstruktørerne er fuldt bookede, så det kan betale sig, at være i god tid. Det er altid muligt at benytte sig af forespørgselsformularen. Online booking er muligt op til 24 timer før kurset begynder. Efter 24 timer før kursusstart kan du ringe eller skrive til os. Jo længere tid der er til kurset begynder, desto større er chancen for at få et skikursus.
Er det muligt at booke en bestemt skiinstruktør?
Ja, hvis du booker i god tid, kan du få den af vores skilærere du ønsker. Har du en præferencer for hvilken slags instruktør du ønsker, kan du skrive det til os i bookingformularen. Det er meget vigtigt for os, at du får den lærer du forespørger. Ved gruppekurser kan vi dog ikke med 100% garantere, at vi kan opfylde dine ønsker!
Hvordan kan jeg sikre mig en plads?
Jo tidligere du booker, desto bedre er chancen for en plads! Visse tidspunkter eller uger bliver hurtigt booket, f.eks. uge 7 og 8. Kortvarige bookinger er også mulige afhængigt af tilgængelighed. Hvis et felt i kalenderen er grønt, kan du booke. Du kan ikke kun booke reservationen online. Det er også muligt via telefon +436605757570, via e-mail; info@skischool-go.com, forespørgsel eller personligt på vores kontor.
Fra hvilken alder kan børn gå i skiskole?
For selvstændige børn fra 4 år tilbyder vi gruppeundervisning. Erfaringen har vist, at børn under 4 år stadig ikke er uafhængige nok til at føle sig godt tilpas i en gruppe (undtagelser bekræfter reglen). Det er dog muligt at booke en privatlærer til børn under 4 år. Forældre kan deltage i det private kursus i samråd med privatlæreren. Privatlæreren kan arbejde individuelt med barnet. I Family Park GO! får barnet sine vigtige første oplevelser med skiløb. For børn under 4 år anbefaler vi et kort 2-timers privatkursus.
Er det tidsmæssigt muligt at både børn og voksne tager gruppeskikursus?
Ja, mødetid for alle børn, der deltager i et gruppeskikursus, er kl. 9.25 på det respektive mødested ved liften. Mødetid for alle gruppeskikurser for voksne kl. 10:00 på det respektive mødested. Gruppeskiskurserne for voksne går kun indtil kl. 12.00. Børnene afhentes kl. 12:30 samme sted, hvor de startede, og medmindre andet er aftalt. Børnene bliver passet på, indtil de bliver afhentet af deres forældre! Børnene kan også bringes hen til Skiskolekontoret 8:55 og hentes igen samme sted klokken 13:05. Du kan finde den nøjagtige mødestid og det nøjagtige mødested på din billet.
Hvor mødes vi?
Vi har faste mødesteder. Hvis det faste mødested er uhensigtsmæssigt på grund af vejr- eller sneforhold modtager alle kursusdeltagere en sms om det nye mødested. Forældre modtager for deres børn. Alle deltagere til grupper mødes den første dag, hvis ikke andet bliver sms'et/aftalt, ved indgangen til Goldbergbahn Sportgastein. Kig også på siden med mødesteder.
Hvordan foregår gruppeinddelingen?
Skischool GO!'s gruppeinddeling, har du allerede selv foretaget online. Vurderer din skilærer alligevel, at du ville passe bedre i en anden gruppe, gør hun/han det for din egen skyld. Din skilærer ser på ting som køreevne, alder og sprog. Hvis dit niveau på et senere tidspunkt ikke længere passer til gruppen, er det selvfølgelig muligt at skifte til en anden gruppe, hvilket f.eks. bliver tilbudt, hvis en elev lærer hurtigere end de andre i gruppen.
Hvor mange børn er der i en gruppe?
I "Bambini" grupperne er der ideelt 4 to 6 børn i hver gruppe. I de resterende grupper har vi normalt mellem 4 og 10 elever per skilærer. I højsæsonen kan det være flere. Det er vigtigt for os, at hvert enkelt barn har det godt i gruppen og med skilæreren. De fleste af vores skilærere er dansktalende, så vi prøver at danske børn får danske skilærere.
Skal forældre blive hos de små børn i børneland?
Det fraråder vi. Forældre skal informere skilæreren, hvis der skal tages specielle hensyn. Det kunne for eksempel dreje sig om sygdomme eller motoriske vanskeligheder. Herefter bør forældrene overlade deres barn til skilæreren og helst kun kigge på i en sådan afstand, at barnet kan koncentrere sig om skikurset. Vores erfaringer viser os, at der først kommer flow i undervisningen, når forældrene ikke er i nærheden. Et godt tip er, at du som forældre forbereder dit barn på skiskolen ved at fortælle om hvad man kan lære der og måske om dine egne spændende oplevelser i skiskolen.
Kan vores børn blive sammen i en gruppe?
Opdelingen af børnene i vores skiskole er primært baseret på deres skiløb. Derfor, hvis dine børn eller dine venner er på samme skiniveau og gerne vil køre sammen, beder vi dig om at informere skiinstruktøren om din anmodning den første dag, og vi vil gøre vores bedste!
Hvis der er forskel i niveau og man vil køre sammen skal den skiløber, som kører bedre tage hensyn til de andre skiløbere som er langsomere og tage med på et hold der egentligt er under niveau.
Kan man pausere en dag?
Nej, alle bør deltage i programmet og vi kan ikke holde pladser frie og dermed evt. udelukke andre fra kurset. Begyndere kan kun starte i begyndelsen af ugen, fordi begyndergruppen avancerer rigtig hurtigt de første dage. For at lære så meget som muligt anbefaler vi fem dage. Vores gruppeundervisningsprogram for børn er designet til hele ugen (5 dage). Avancerede skiløbere kan dog vælge at deltage fra midt på ugen.
Kan man booke en prøvedag?
Skiskole GO! tilbyder gruppekurser på 3, 4 eller 5 dage. Når du bestiller et 3-dages gruppekursus, kan du forlænge med 1 eller 2 dage, og når du bestiller et 4-dages gruppekursus, kan du forlænge med 1 dag. Bemærk venligst, at det er meget dyrere at forlænge kurser end at booke et helt kursus fra starten.
Anbefales det at man tager 5 dage med det samme eller 3 dage, hvorefter man kan forlænge?
Vores skiskoleprogram varer 5 dage og slutter af med en medaljeoverrækkelse, som altid er et highlight i skiferien. Vores kurser stopper tidligt nok til at man kan nå at køre lidt sammen om eftermiddagen. Efter femtedagen, torsdag kan man køre med hinanden hele dagen eller vælge at tage en familieskilærer for en dag. Man kan forlænge 1 eller 2 dage i forbindelse med et varende kursus.
Skal man først booke 3 dage og derefter 2 dage eller er det billigere at tage 5 dage med det samme?
Det er bedst at vores gæster oplever hele det progressivt opbyggede 5 dageskursus med alle dets highlights. Det kan altså godt betale sig at booke alle 5 dage med det samme! De daglige omkostninger for kurset falder, jo længere kursusvarigheden er. Forlængelsesdage er generelt dyrere og planlægges sjældnere på forhånd. Kursusforlængelser vælges ofte af deltagere, der nyder kurset så meget, at de spontant beslutter sig for at fortsætte, selvom det ikke var planlagt fra starten.
Er det muligt at stige på et løbende kursus i løbet af ugen?
Vi starter ugen om søndagen. Den første dag lærer man hinanden at kende. Alligevel kan det sagtens lade sig gøre for en øvet skiløber at komme med på et eksisterende hold, hvis vi ikke overstiger vores maximale antal deltagere. For begyndere er det desværre ikke muligt. Hvis du er begynder skal du sørge for at være med fra starten. hvis du er i tvivl kan du ringe til os på tel. +43 660 57 57 57 0
Skal man tage alle kursusdage lige efter hinanden?
Vi anbefaler at man følger forløbet i et skikursus. Hvis du har spørgsmål til det, er du velkommen til at spørge på vores kontor eller tale med din skilærer om det.
Hvordan ser et gruppekursus for børn ud?
Alle vores børnekurser er hele dage. Vi mødes klokken 9:25 og starter 9:30. Kurset varer 3 timer. Vær venlig at give jeres børn 5€ med til en kort drikke/toilet pause.
Kan jeg ændre min mening efter jeg har betalt?
Principielt er der ikke noget i vejen for at ombestemme sig undervejs. Det er normalt ikke noget problem, hvis du gerne vil ændre fra et privatkursus til et andet så længe tiderne ikke ændrer sig. Også i forhold til gruppekurser kan det tit lade sig gøre at lave ændringer. Det skal bare være organisatorisk muligt. Tag fat i os i god tid, så ser vi hvad vi kan gøre for dig.
Kan jeg selv bestemme hvor jeg vil møde min skilærer?
Ja, hvis du har booket et heldags-privatkursus
Får jeg pengene tilbage, hvis der er noget mit barn ikke bryder sig om?
Du kan kun få pengene tilbage ved fremvisning af en lægeerklæring. (sygdom, skade). Der er dog flere tilbud for at holde "risikoen" for dig så lav som muligt! For gruppekurser er tilbagebetalingen som følger: Forskellen i omkostningerne for de respektive gruppekursusdage refunderes (f. eks. 3 til 4 dage eller 3 til 5 dage eller 4 til 5 dage). Kun kursusdage der endnu ikke er brugt kan returneres. Kursusdage der allerede er påbegyndt, refunderes ikke.
Hvad gør man hvis det viser sig at niveauet ikke passer?
Hvis du få nogen måde føler, at niveauet i gruppen ikke passer, er det en god idé at tale med skilæreren med det samme, for at høre skilærerens vurdering og hvordan hans/hendes planer ser ud. Vi vil gerne have så homogene grupper som muligt og opdaterer løbende på hver enkelt elevs udvikling i forhold til om eleven bør skifte til en hurtigere gruppe.
Hvilke sprog bliver der talt i gruppen?
De fleste af vores skilærere er danske. Elever fra andre lande har selvfølgelig også lov at gå i skiskole. Derfor sørger vi for at tage hensyn til de sprog der tales i gruppen og tildeler vores skilærere så især børn bliver undervist på deres egel sprog.
Hvilke betalingsmetoder kan jeg bruge?
Vi accepterer Maestro, Visa, Paypal, bankoverførsel og MobilePay
Er skipas med i kursusprisen?
Elever fra 6 år har brug for et skikort, som ikke er inkluderet i skiskoleprisen. Her finder du Liftpriserne. I vores børneland "Kids Park GO! er babyliften inkluderet i skiskoleprisen.
Skal begyndere bruge skipas?
Begyndere har ikke brug for en liftkort den første dag om morgenen, hvis de er i Sportgastein - kun ved Stubnerkogel eller i Angertal. Læreren informerer deltagerne om liftkortene den første dag.
Hvor kan man købe liftkort?
Liftkort kan købes i bjergbanernes billetkontorer, også i sportgastein. Billetkontorerne er placeret på dalstationerne. Mange busselskaber udleverer liftkort i bussen på vej til destinationen.
Er udstyr med i prisen?
Udstyret er ikke inkluderet i prisen. Dette kan lejes i en af de mange sportsbutikker i Bad Gastein. Køb først din skiskolebillet og tal med os om hvilket udstyr du skal bruge til dit respektive kursus.
Er der en bestemt butik, hvor vi skal hente vores udstyr, når vi lejer?
Skiskolen har ikke sin egen skiudlejning. Der er mange sportsbutikker i Bad Gastein som lejer skiudstyr ud. Vi samarbejder godt med dem alle. Hvis du er bare lidt i tvivl, så spørg os om hvad du skal kigge efter når du lejer udstyr.
Hvordan finder jeg ud af hvor mødestedet er?
Mødestedet står på din online-ticket som du får efter du har betalt og sendt dine/deltagerens data. Hvis mødestedet ændres pga. vejrforhold bliver du/deltageren informeret via SMS.
Hvad skal mit barn have med til gruppeskikursus?
Kursusbillet med stregkode
Varmt, vindtæt og vandtæt skitøj
Buff (venligst ingen halstørklæder!!)
Skihjelm (hjelme er obligatoriske for mindreårige op til 15 år)
Skistøvler som passer og professionelt tilpassede ski efter alder og evne
Fra gruppe blå bruger vi også skistave
Varme skihandsker der også er vandafvisende
Solcreme SPF 50
Lidt penge til en kop varm kakao, hvis barnet har brug for en pause, vejret bliver for dårligt eller liften pludselig ikke kører.
Hvem har ansvaret i tilfælde af en skiulykke under skikurset?
En skiskole eller et skikursus har faktisk ikke en ulykkesforsikring for gæsterne. En skiskole har kun en ansvarsforsikring.
Skiskolen GO hæfter i henhold til lovens bestemmelser kun for skader, der er direkte forbundet med dens virksomhed og er forårsaget forsætligt og groft uagtsomt, og hvis skilæreren har overtrådt sin tilsynspligt. Der er en tilsvarende ansvarsforsikring for dette. Men det er normalt kun meget, meget sjældent tilfældet. De fleste ulykker, mens du lærer at stå på ski, skyldes et fald, som skilæreren ikke kan holdes ansvarlig for.
Skiskole GO fraskriver sig ethvert ansvar for ulykker, der sker under, før eller efter skiundervisningen.
Ulykkes- og ansvarsforsikring er udelukkende gæstens ansvar. Børn er heller ikke forsikret gennem skiskolen
Så hvis forældre ønsker økonomisk sikkerhed for de mulige konsekvenser af en ulykke, mens de lærer at stå på ski, skal de tegne en privat ulykkesforsikring for sig selv og deres børn. Dette giver en invaliditetsydelse og, hvis dette også er forsikret, en ulykkespension.
Hvordan kan jeg forlænge mit privatkursus?
Hvis din lærer ikke allerede er booket, kan din instruktør hjælpe dig med at forlænge dit kursus. Skiinstruktørerne har en intern tilgang, som gør det muligt at forlænge direkte på pisten. Det er kun instruktører og skiskolekonoret, som kan booke med kortere frist end 24 timer. Over hjemmesiden er der en automatiseret sidste frist på 24 timer.
COVID FORANSTALTNINGER (ikke aktuelt i øjeblikket)
Sikker Skiskole med eftertanke og ansvar
På grund af COVID-19-situationen følger nogle foranstaltninger din skiferie. Disse foranstaltninger ændrer sig konstant i henhold til de officielle krav og kravene fra vores partnere, især elevatorer. Disse vil blive opdateret på vores hjemmeside. På stedet vil vores skiinstruktører fortælle dig og dine kære de faktiske forholdsregler inden skikurset begynder.
De fleste af vores tjenester kan bookes online, og kontaktpunkterne reduceres så meget som muligt. Det er ikke nødvendigt at besøge vores kontor. For bookinger på kontoret skal kun 1 medlem af din gruppe på det tidspunkt komme ind på kontoret (hånddesinfektion, mindst 2 m afstand, maskebeskyttelse,). Kontoret desinficeres flere gange om dagen, og du skal udfylde en skema for kontaktsporing, når du træder indenfor på kontoret. Når du booker online, får du din billet i en e-mail med en stregkode, som du viser til din instruktør som scanner stregkoden på mødestedet. Online booking muligt indtil 24 timer før kursusstart - hvis det ikke er udsolgt!
For at overholde de nødvendige foranstaltninger tilbyder vi forskellige mødesteder på steder med færre mennesker. Generelt forsøger vi at undgå overfyldte steder, lange køer og overrendte pister.
Inden kurset skal du vise dit bevis for corona-vaccination eller -helbredelse til skilæreren. Børn under 12 år er undtaget af den regel (2G-regel). Hvis det ikke er muligt at forevise coronapas kan kurset desværre ikke finde sted.
For vinteren 2021/2022 tilbydes gruppeundervisning i små grupper. Hvis gruppeundervisning ikke må gennemføres på grund af Covid-reglerne, kan vi ændre til privatundervisning eller give pengen tilbage.
2-G-reglen (vaccineret eller helbredt skal kunne fremvises i coronapas) gælder i alle skiområder. Derudover skal man bære FFP-2 mundbind i lifterne, også i nærheden af liften, hvis der er mange mennesker. I bjergrestauranter gælder 2-G-reglen + FFP-2 mundbind og en obligatorisk tilmelding som gæst (fra 12 år).
Træningsmaterialer, holde- og siddepladser samt transportbånd, karrusel osv ... rengøres og desinficeres grundigt.
Ud over vores generelle afbestillingsbetingelser trækker vi automatisk et ekspeditionsgebyr på 5% af det bookede beløb, som man ikke får tilbage
95% refusion ved afbestilling tidligere end 7 dage før kursusstart
75% refusion ved afbestilling tidligere end 72 timer før kursusstart
50% refusion i tilfælde af afbestilling tidligere end 48 timer før kursusstart
25 % refusion i tilfælde af aflysning tidligere end 24 timer før kursusstart
0 % refusion i tilfælde af aflysning mindre end 24 timer før kursusstart
Ud over vores generelle afbestillingsbetingelser trækker vi altid et ekspeditionsgebyr på 13%.
Alle vores instruktører holder sig til de aktuelle sikkerhedsregler. De bærer altid håndrensning og handsker til brug i førstehjælp på sig, hvis det skulle blive nødvendigt (såsom skiulykker). Alle instruktører bliver løbende orienteret om de opdaterede beskyttelsesbestemmelser.
General Terms & Conditions
GTC by Skischool GO!
Böcksteiner Bundesstrasse 15, 5640 Bad Gastein, Austria
Table of Contents
1. Scope of the terms and conditions
2. Conclusion of the contract
3. Right of withdrawal when concluding a contract via telephone, web form or email
4. Misuse
5. Right of withdrawal
6. Changes in service
7. Impossibility of performance
8. Prices, terms of payment
9. Service fulfillment
10. Limitation of Liability
11. Obligations of the course participant
12. Privacy Policy
13. Affidavit for me and / or my children
14. Other conditions
1 Scope of the General Terms and Conditions
1.1 For business relationships between the ski school, Skischool GO! (hereinafter: "Skischool GO!") and the contractual partners, consumers, companies, associations as well as private persons (hereinafter: "course participants"), these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: "GTC") apply exclusively in the currently valid version. The valid version of the General Terms and Conditions is based on the time of the relevant offer by the course participant. Skischool GO! assumes no liability for the topicality, correctness, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the author relating to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information are fundamentally excluded.
1.2 The ski school provides the course participant with services in the field of skiing and snow sports. This includes, among other things, giving ski, snowboard and cross-country skiing lessons, outdoor events, incentives, courses, seminars, teaching, guiding and accompanying on ski tours (within the meaning of iSd § 1 Abs 1 T-SSG 1995) and off-piste, as well related activities (hereinafter referred to as “courses”). Any childcare services and related services (e.g. meals for children, accompaniment and transport) are also included. These terms and conditions apply to all services of the Skischool GO! in this context.
1.3 Provisions that differ from these GTC only apply if there is an express written agreement between Skischool GO! and the student.
1.4 Contradicting terms and conditions of the course participant have no effect on the business relationships listed in point.
2 Conclusion of contract
2.1 For the contractual relationship between Skischool GO! and the course participants are exclusively subject to the following general terms and conditions
2.2 A contract between the Skischool GO! and the course participant is able to do so electronically (submission of an offer via online form and acceptance of the contract by confirmation email) as well as in the business premises of the Skischool GO! (Conclusion of a contract by handing over a payment receipt) possible. Course participants must register for course participation at least 24 hours before the start of the course by online booking, by email or by using the request form on the website www.skischool-go.com. A later registration is subject to the express goodwill of the course participation by Skischool GO! and can be done by phone, by one of our skiinstructors or at the counter in the skischool office. Participation in the course is only possible with proof of complete and timely transfer of the course fee by the start of the course (please present proof of payment in the form of your ticket with barcode at the start of the course).
2.3 The sending of a fully completed online form by the course participant constitutes a legally binding offer to Skischool GO! to conclude a contract for the Skischool GO! advertised services. Skischool GO! sends an order confirmation to the course participant based on such an offer. Only when this order confirmation is sent does a contractual relationship concluded between the Skischool GO! and the course participant.
2.4 The declaration of the course participant to an employee of the Skischool GO!, Services of the Skischool GO!, wanting to take advantage of this is a legally binding offer to the GO! to the conclusion of a contract. A contractual relationship is only established between the Skischool GO! and the respective course participant.
2.5 The booking confirmation / ticket and / or the payment receipt with QR code serve as proof of the use of the booked service and must be presented by the course participant to the respective course instructor / ski instructor at the start of the course.
2.6 Skischool GO! is not obliged to notify the course participant of a rejection of online bookings. If the course participant's offer from the Skischool GO! not confirmed within a period of 2 (two) weeks from receipt, the offer of the course participant is in any case not accepted.
2.7 By completing the purchase, the course participant gives his automatic declaration of consent to the newsletters of the Skischool GO! to be sent to an e-mail address.
3 Right of withdrawal when concluding a contract via telephone, web form or email
3.1 The services offered are a "leisure service" within the meaning of the Distance and Foreign Business Act (Fern- und Auswärtsgeschäfte-Gesetz - FAGG).
3.2 There is no right of withdrawal for leisure services in accordance with § Abs 18 1 Z 10 FAGG.
4 Misuse
4.1 Skischool GO! cannot be held liable for any misuse during registration, in particular when registering via the Internet or by email. Skischool GO! will take no liability for damage caused by improper use of the registration system. Please note that tickets are NOT transferable to anyone other than those registered in guest form!
5 Right of withdrawal
100% refund in case of cancellation earlier than 7 days before the start of the course
75% refund in case of cancellation earlier than 72 hours before the start of the course
50% refund in case of cancellation earlier than 48 hours before the start of the course
25% refund in case of cancellation earlier than 24 hours before the start of the course
0% refund in case of cancellation less than 24 hours before the start of the course
In addition to our general cancellation conditions, we always charge a processing fee of 13%.
5.2 Refunds after the start of the course are not possible. If you are not present during the entire course or just individual parts of it, the entire participation fee is due. Ticket refunds are only possible for unused days in the event of force majeure, accident or illness upon presentation of a valid medical certificate from a local doctor. In case of illness, lessons cannot be postponed or kept free. For group courses, the refund is as follows:
The difference in the costs of the respective group course days will be refunded (for example 3 to 4 days or 3 to 5 days or 4 to 5 days). Refund will only be given for course days that have not yet been used. Course days that have already begun will not be refunded.
Skischool GO will either issue the course participant a credit for the pro-rata amount to be paid or will refund the pro-rata amount in form of a bank transfer, less a processing fee of 13%, to the course participant within 8 working days.
5.3 The receipt of the letter of resignation at Skischool GO! Is decisive for the observance of the deadline. In order to meet the respective deadline, it is necessary that the letter of resignation is sent to Skischool GO! No later than 24:00 before the deadline. comes in. Transmission errors and the like are at the expense of the course participant.
5.4 In all other cases, the customer is without the express, written consent of Skischool GO! not entitled to withdraw and has to pay the full fee. This also applies in particular to the case of non-appearance or late appearance on the agreed date.
5.5 Skischool GO! is entitled to withdraw from the contract at any time if the customer participates in courses under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medication, which can no longer guarantee safe participation. The same applies if the course participant persistently opposes the instructions of the Skischool GO!, the teachers or supervisors (see point 9.4). The course participant is not entitled to any claims in the event of such termination; he is particularly obliged to pay the full fee.
6 Changes to Services
6.1 Skischool GO! Expressly reserve the right to change or subsequent correction of event days, dates and locations.
6.2 If the minimum number of 4 course participants is not reached, Skischool GO! has the right to convert your group lesson into a private lesson and / or to shorten the duration of the course or to cancel the course. A cancellation / change on the day of the course itself is also still possible and does not entitle the course participants to assert claims for damages, reimbursement of expenses or other claims.
6.3 The course participants will be informed in a timely and appropriate manner of the course cancellation or changes or subsequent corrections. Skischool GO! is not liable in the event of course cancellations or changes or subsequent corrections, for whatever reason, for expenses incurred or financial loss of the course participants.
7 Impossibility of performance
7.1 If it is not possible to carry out the service for safety reasons (e.g. weather conditions, avalanche risk, etc.), Skischool GO! not obliged to provide services. It is entirely up to Skischool GO!'s discretion to assess the impossibility of providing the service, whereby a partial impossibility - for example, no group ski lessons are possible on three out of five days - does not affect the implementation of the possible service part. Course cancellations due to weather-related influences (force majeure) will not be replaced. Unused course days/hours expire!
7.2 In case of the (partial or total) impossibility of performance in accordance with points 5.1. the ski school will repay the pro-rata fee to the customer within 8 working days. The course participant is not entitled to any further claims.
7.3 Force majeure, in particular epidemics, pandemics, official measures such as closings, other unpredictable and inevitable events release Skischool GO! of their performance obligations.
7.4 In case of the (partial or total) impossibility of performance in accordance with point 5.3, Skischool GO! Either a credit note for the pro rata fee or the pro rata fee is paid back to the course participant within 8 working days. The customer has the right to choose in this regard. The course participant is not entitled to any further claims. Any right of withdrawal in accordance with § 10 Abs 2 of the package travel law remains unaffected.
8 Prices, Payment terms
8.1 All information - especially price lists from Skischool GO! on the Internet, in brochures, advertisements or other information carriers and the courses offered by Skischool GO! is fundamentally non-binding and also after registration by the course participants through Skischool GO! changeable or revocable. All information about the courses and price lists available on the Internet or in any other form are also non-binding. Skischool GO! expressly reserves the right to change or subsequently correct courses or price lists.
8.2 All prices are in EURO (€) and are gross including any statutory sales tax, unless otherwise stated.
8.3 Costs for ski tickets or ski equipment are not included in the course fees. These are to be acquired by the customer at their own expense and brought along.
8.4 The fee claims of Skischool GO! towards the course participant emerge with the conclusion of the contract. Payment is due at this point. In the case of online bookings, however, payment is made immediately when the offer is submitted using the payment methods set up for online bookings: MobilePay, credit card payment / PayPal, bank transfer. Should the customer's booking not be accepted from Skischool GO! because of the right of withdrawal described in these terms and conditions, an amount already paid will be refunded within 8 working days using the same payment method as the course participant used.
8.5 In the case of other booking channels, e.g. by email within 8 days of the conclusion of the contract by transfer to the account of the Skischool GO!
IBAN: AT19 4501 0031 0000 4542
or directly on site, the course fee can be paid by MobilePay, credit card or cash on site; In any case, before the start of the course at Skischool GO!. All expenses - in particular bank charges - in connection with the payment of the course booked at the ski school are burden exclusively by the course participant.
8.6 The course participant can only offset counterclaims that have been legally established by a court of law or that have been expressly approved by Skischool GO! as well as in the event of the insolvency of Skischool GO! Statutory rights of retention are not affected by this point of the contract.
8.7 Default in payment occurs without further notification from Skischool GO!. In case that the course participant fall behind, on a payment, Skischool GO! is entitled to charge the course participant the late payment interest and all additional costs and expenses, in particular collection or lawyer costs. In the event of outstanding claims, the GO! Payments made by the course participant can be offset against any outstanding claims regardless of any dedication by the course participant. In the event of non-payment of a claim, all other claims against the course participant are due immediately.
8.8 The place of performance is for everyone from both Skischool GO! as well as the duties to be fulfilled by the course participant - Community Bad Gastein and the Ski Amadé ski area and the Hohe Tauern.
9 Service fulfillment
9.1 The customer has to be at the assembly point of the Skischool GO! or at any other from Skischool GO! announced location in the ski school area in time before the start of the course.
9.2 The GO! reserves the right to change the meeting point of the courses at short notice. In such cases, Skischool GO! informs by SMS.
9.3 The GO! reserves the right to take a fever measurement for each course participant before the start of each course day in compliance with data protection regulations and in the event of increased temperature, fever or other clear signs of contagious diseases (e.g. COVID-19) that pose a risk to others Course participants as well as teachers and supervisors can show that they are excluded from classes at their own discretion. In these cases, the course participant has the right to choose either a pro rata reimbursement of a fee already paid or a corresponding credit note.
9.4 Skischool GO! undertakes to only employ qualified teachers or child carers for the respective service.
10 Limitation of Liability
10.1 For the theft, loss or damage of objects brought by the course participant, in particular valuables, equipment etc., Skischool GO! takes no liability.
10.2 In connection with the courses offered, the Skischool GO! take no guarantee for the training success of the course participants.
10.3 Skischool GO! is not liable for damage, unless the damage is due to willful or grossly negligent behavior on the part of the GO! themselves or a person attributable to them and the behavior causing the damage does not affect the main obligations arising from the contract concluded.
10.4 The GO! assumes no liability for damage suffered by the course participant during the performance of the agreed service through no fault of Skischool GO! inflicts or is inflicted upon itself or other persons.
10.5 Pecuniary damage, loss of profit or earnings, consequential or long-term damage to course participants, liability of the Skischool GO!. Skischool GO! assumes no liability for damage to the person or property of third parties that the course participants inflict on third parties during the course.
10.6 The course participant is advised that failure to not wear a crash helmet in the event of injuries can justify contributory negligence on the part of the course participant, which is why the course participant is recommended to wear a crash helmet and other safety equipment recommended for the service booked (e.g. avalanche search device when driving in open terrain)/to carry avalanche equipment in open terrain. Crash helmets and safety equipment usually reduce the risk of injury. There is a helmet requirement for minors up to the age of 15.
10.7 The course participant acknowledges that rescuing on slopes or in open terrain is often associated with high costs. It is therefore recommended that the course participant take out appropriate insurance, especially since Skischool GO! is not liable for rescue and air rescue costs, unless Skischool GO! or a person attributable to it has caused these rescue and / or air rescue costs through willful or grossly negligent behavior.
10.8 It is expressly stated that the practice of snow sports is associated with numerous risks and that there is an increased risk of injury or even death, in particular due to avalanches, which cannot be entirely ruled out, especially when touring or descending in open terrain. This limitation of liability also expressly includes all damage that occurs when driving a car or taking the bus during the course to the different locations.
10.9 If a further exclusion of liability is legally permissible in individual cases, this shall also be deemed to have been agreed
11 Duties of the course participant
11.1 The course participant has Skischool GO! to provide truthful and comprehensive information about their skills and experience in the snow sport booked and to independently ensure that they are equipped with equipment that is appropriate to the state of the art in skiing, skills and the external conditions. The course participant has Skischool GO! to report any health problems or impairments.
11.2 Furthermore, the course participant undertakes not to take part in the ski course in the event of feverish infections, contagious diseases or illnesses associated with diarrhea and vomiting. In particular, if COVID-19 symptoms occur (fever, dry cough, fatigue, breathing difficulties, etc.), the course participant undertakes to refrain from participating in the ski course. If the course participant has booked a group course, he or she can exercise the right of withdrawal provided for in point 4.4 of these terms and conditions upon presentation of a medical certificate.
11.3 Before the start of the lesson, the course participant must have his ski equipment (in particular ski bindings) checked by a specialist company. Legal guardians must ensure that their children are dressed appropriately for the weather and that the children carry the contact details of the legal guardians with them. Because of the risk of injury on the lift, scarves and open hair are generally prohibited
11.4 The course participant has to follow the instructions of Skischool GO!, the teachers and the supervisors. Disregarding instructions and warnings entitle the GO! immediately to terminate the contract. This also applies if course participants behave improperly, especially towards other course participants.
11.5 When dropping off and picking up a child, the respective course instructor or ski instructor of the child must always be informed personally by the parents/legal guardian.
11.6 Children may only stay in the Family Park GO! joining a course (Beginners practice area). Parents/legal guardians are never allowed to leave their children unsupervised in Family Park GO! hold up.
12 Privacy policy
12.1 The course participants agree that their data can also be automated (EDP) at Skischool GO! processed and kept on record for 3 years. Skischool GO! undertakes, however, not to pass this data on to third parties without authorization, to publish it or to use it in any other way.
12.2 The course participants and / or their parents / guardians agree and give their consent that photos and photographs of individuals or groups during the course by the ski instructor / photographer of the ski school GO! for the purpose of illustration in printed works or electronic media (Internet) as well as the documentation of course measures and / or group and individual photos for ski school guests. If such photographs are published, the course participants are not entitled to any financial, copyright or data protection claims.
12.3 Further information can be found in the data protection declaration of the Skischool GO!, which is available at https://www.skischool-go.com/servicenavigation/data-protection/.
13 Affidavit for me and / or my children
13.1 When booking a course, I am aware that the course will take place in alpine or high-alpine terrain and that there are potential dangers for my body and mind.
13.2 I hereby affirm that I am not concealing any illness or that I am suffering from any physical complaints that can put me in a particularly vulnerable situation and that I am in excellent physical condition. I also expressly confirm that my physical aptitude is given to participate in this course in alpine or high-alpine terrain and that I do not suffer from any previous injuries that would limit me in the exercise of the sport covered by the course.
13.3 I confirm that I have the necessary equipment to ensure safe participation in the course. I myself have to ensure that the equipment is checked / adjusted accordingly.
13.4 I am aware that the photos and photographs can also be used for commercial purposes and I expressly agree to this.
13.5 I also confirm that I have appropriate insurance cover in health and accident insurance; I am aware of the risk involved in participating in the course if I am not insured.
13.6 I am aware that any liability for damages that may affect me personally will not be covered by Skischool GO! is insured and I have to pay for this damage myself in the event of damage to a third person through my participation. Recourse for such damage to Skischool GO! is excluded. Skischool GO! provides no insurance coverage for course participants.
13.7 My participation in this course is at my own risk. I am aware that Skischool GO!, the instructors, ski instructors and / or course leaders assume no liability for any physical complaints or injuries - this also applies to consequential or long-term damage - due to my participation, which is not due to willful intent or gross negligence of the Skischool GO!'s, the training manager, ski instructor and / or course instructor can be traced back to.
13.8 I undertake to follow the instructions of the course instructors and not disregard their orders.
13.9 I affirm that I will comply with the applicable ski and snowboard regulations and provisions (in particular FIS rules) and adapt my driving behavior to these rules as well as my skills and abilities.
13.10 In this regard, I expressly refer to my exemption from liability to the Skischool GO!, the instructors, ski instructors and course instructors.
14 Other provisions
14.1 There are no verbal side agreements to these terms and conditions. Additional agreements of whatever kind, changes or additions must be made in writing to be effective. This also applies to the departure from this written form requirement.
14.2 For all legal disputes arising from the contractual relationship, the relevant court at the location of the Skischool GO branch is responsible. Austrian law applies. The contract language is German.
Any complaints or grievances must be reported immediately on site by the contractual partner to the Skischool GO office in order to enable rapid remedial action and continue to provide the service.
If the contractual partner does not exercise his right to complain immediately, or at least not until the end of the service provision, any claims for a reduction in the fee can no longer be taken into account.
Other claims against Skischool GO must be asserted in writing and substantiated no later than four weeks after the reason for the claim arises or becomes known.
14.3 If the course participant is resident outside the scope of the EuGVVO or the Lugano Convention (these are all countries with the exception of the EU member states, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland), all legal disputes arising from or in connection with these General Terms and Conditions and / or contracts between Skischool GO! and for the course participant about the provision of ski school services, the factually and locally competent court at the headquarters of Skischool GO! agreed as the exclusively competent court.
14.4 As far as the course participant is resident within the EU or within the scope of the Lugano Convention, the legal provisions on jurisdiction apply.
14.5 If one or more of the provisions of these terms and conditions is / are void, then between the Skischool GO! and the course participant expressly agreed to such legally effective provisions that come closest to the economic purpose of the ineffective provision. The validity of the remaining provisions is not affected by a void provision.
14.6 Please note that the user of the Skischool GO! is not authorized to copy, otherwise use, duplicate or reproduce the content of the homepage.
14.7 We are not liable for typing errors, mistakes, deficiencies and incorrect conclusions. We allow ourselves to make changes at any time. We take reservations for license requirements, changes and public notices.
14.8 All rights and obligations from these General Terms and Conditions passes over to any legal successors of Skischool GO!.
14.9 Please note that this Homepage and all correspondence from Skischool GO! may contain privileged and/or confidential information, and is intended for receipt by the above-named individual(s) or authorized employees/agents only. Any unauthorized reproduction, transmittal, or other misuse of correspondence from Skischool GO! is prohibited. We reserve the right to change information and are not responsible for mistakes, incorrect conclusions, typing/printing errors and changes and are not liable for deficiency, license requirements and public notices.
[1] Regulation No. 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and Council of 12 December 2012
[2] Convention on Jurisdiction and the Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters, concluded in Lugano on September 16, 1988